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Coconut water vinegar fermentovaný, se 100 let starou 'matkou' - 250 ml

€6,98 / pcs €27,92 / 1 l
Skladem (>3 pcs)
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A unique coconut water vinegar that is rich in micronutrients and amino acids. It is a functional superfood. Substitute it for your apple cider vinegar for delicious salad dressings or make electrolyte-rich juices with it.

Detailed information

Unikátní produkty

Dovážíme originální zahraniční výrobky, které lokální trh postrádá

Balíme rychle a ekologicky

Odesíláme do 24-48 hodin, vše v recyklovaných materiálech

Záruka kvality

Značky vybíráme srdcem a řídíme se heslem – raději méně, ale kvalitně

Doprava zdarma

Utraťte min. 4000 Kč a neplaťte poštovné do Balíkovny

Product detailed description

Why buy

Coconut vinegar is rich in amino acids that contribute to the repair and reconstruction of muscle tissue, improve brain and nervous system function, and boost the immune system and physical energy levels. It contains sixteen types of amino acids.

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. According to this publication, some of them help in the formation of hemoglobin. Haemoglobin carries oxygen and antibodies that help the immune system fight infections.

Other amino acids support tissue health and maintenance, serve as neurotransmitters, and also aid in detoxification and metabolic functions.

Coconut vinegar contains 65 minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium, sulphur, boron, zinc, manganese and copper.

  • Potassium is important for balancing electrolytes, controlling high blood pressure and sugar metabolism.
  • Phosphorus works with calcium to build bones and make it easier for the body to use other nutrients.
  • Iron is important for the production of red blood cells and is essential for the production of cellular energy.
  • Copper, one of the components in the formation of red blood cells, is a mineral that also aids in the absorption of iron.
  • Magnesium is important for nerve and muscle function and is essential for all major biological processes in the body.

Coconut vinegar can also help with poor digestion because it is actually a natural prebiotic.

If you're struggling with digestion, take a look at our products that we've specially selected from expert brands around the world. These are not private brands with products that are made in a laboratory according to a universal recipe, which the dietary supplement market is overcrowded with, but developers and experts in this field.

In short

  • This coconut vinegar is made from coconut water. It is left in bottles to age and ferment naturally for 8-12 months.
  • This special vinegar in its final form contains no added sugar cane, yeast, artificial acidifiers or flavour enhancers.
  • Great as a dressing for any salad, to add to salad dressings or just on its own.
  • Coconut vinegar is considered a functional "superfood" because it has effects beyond its nutritional content.
  • Coconut vinegar and coconut water are more effective than apple cider vinegaraccording to many nutrition experts.
  • Coconut is a source that is naturally higher in minerals and other phytonutrients than apples.
  • It is 100% chemical free, made from only one super quality, fermented ingredient. That's all.


The aroma and taste is typically vinegary. It is, however, milder and fruitier than Toddy coconut vinegar made from coconut flower nectar - which is why it is widely used as a tonic/juice in plain water to enrich it with electrolytes and give it a fresh flavour. Just add as much as you like.

Depending on the harvest and the season, each batch of vinegar can vary in colour and, to a lesser extent, taste.

It is a natural, homemade product that does not use any chemical refining, additives or preservatives to standardise the product as in the case of wholesale standardised vinegar.

Special handmade by the de Fonseka family

  • Organic coconut water vinegar is made from the coconut water left after the coconut has been broken and the kernels have already been used to press the coconut oil.
  • The coconut water is aged in wooden vats with naturally occurring mother vinegar from the coconut juice for 8 to 12 months.
  • The vinegar is then flash pasteurised and immediately bottled.
  • After bottling, a trickle of vinegar will form, which is normal due to the unrefined nature of vinegar.

KOKONATI coconut vinegars are 100% natural with natural exotic acidity and rich in nutrients from coconut palms that grow on the nutrient-rich volcanic soils of Ceylon.

The intricate art of harvesting sap from coconut palms and making coconut vinegar and amino sauces has been traditionally passed down from generation to generation in Sri Lanka .

The manufacturer of amino sauces and vinegars is the fifth generation of the de Fonseka family

  • The founder of the company was the Ceylonese philanthropist Charles David de Fonseka.
  • In 1896, he inherited a liquor factory that used coconut juice to produce alcohol.
  • As a devout Buddhist, he started making coconut vinegar instead.


During World War I, Charles' business was a source of supplies of coconut vinegar; a drink for instant stamina and an antibacterial liquid that helped heal wounded soldiers. Charles received a British Certificate of Recognition for his contribution.

Isn't it great when you can support a family business based on quality and good deeds?

In its original oak barrels, the juice is expertly aged for 8 to 12 months with the great grandmother of all vinegars - the 120 year old mother!!! The Kokonati vinegar is then bottled and shipped to you, preserving 100% of its natural prebiotic effects.

The current generation is led by Dilanga, who is fine-tuning the experience of his ancestors through intensive research and tireless work. At the same time, it makes a meaningful contribution to improving the lives of rural residents in its local community.

Certified organic, zero-waste production, ethically harvesting the bounty of Ceylon coconut vinegar for generations to come.

Retrieved from

  • Use coconut vinegar to make salad dressings, dips, preserves, pickling and to alkalize drinking water.
  • Coconut vinegar can be used as a hair rinse and as a natural skin toner.
  • Natural remedy against nits in the hair - especially useful because it can be safely applied to children's hair without harmful side effects.
  • Due to its 5% acidity, it is widely known as a non-toxic household cleaner, especially when used on surfaces.
  • When diluted with water, it can also be used as a herbicide, fungicide or pesticide instead of chemically laden alternatives.

Read our articles dealing with lifestyle

Recipe for typical Indian curry with coconut vinegar


By buying this brand you will directly support the work of the poorest people on our planet

You pay for quality not quantity

Ceylon Kokonati uses only single origin, ethically harvested non GMO ingredients for their products. Their products are vegan, gluten-free, suitable for keto, paleo and raw diets. They do not contain any refined white sugar.

By buying them, you support traditional livelihoods and reduce your carbon footprint - because the products are produced and packaged right at the harvest site. Ceylon Kokonati strives for 100% zero waste production.

This product is internationally accredited by Control Union, certified organic (EU and USDA NOP), ISO and/or HACCP certified.

Ceylon Kokonati manufactures its products in a family-run sweatshop, pays fair prices to its suppliers and manufacturers, and incorporates generations of knowledge into its production processes.

It uses only the highest quality ingredients. So you can be sure that you are getting premium quality at a premium price. By buying flour, you support the traditional livelihoods of villagers in the dry areas of Sri Lanka.

This allows the villagers to benefit from their years of knowledge and expertise.

The sale of these products plays a vital role in employment and economic support for the village community. Ceylon Kokonati provides the children of its employees with school books and stationery for the entire school year.

Additional parameters

Category: Vinegar
Volume: 250 ml
Proč koupit: Jednoduché přírodní složení, balené u zdroje, nikdy žádné příměsi, single-origin, GMO-free, vegan.
Vhodné pro: Keto-Paleo-GMO Free-Vegan-Bez lepku-Soy Free-Low Carb
Země původu: Srí Lanka
Výrobce: Ceylon Kokonati

The difference between coconut and apple cider vinegars

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Značka Ceilon Kokonati vznikla v roce 2013. V jejím sortimentu můžete najít řadu vysoce kvalitních a cenově dostupných produktů z kokosových ořechů, koření a tropického ovoce, vyráběných udržitelným způsobem.

Název značky odkazuje na zemi, kterou její zakladatelé považují za svůj domov Cejlon na Srí Lance, kde se také kokosy pro výrobu této kokosové řady produktů pěstují i zpracovávají. Cejlon, britská korunní kolonie v letech 1815-1948, je nyní známý jako Srí Lanka, ale zakladatelé značky mu raději říkají Cejlon, protože to rozhodně zní exotičtěji a "čistý Cejlon" je značka sama o sobě, připomínající svěží jedinečnou esenci čistého cejlonského čaje. “Kokonati” je zase maorský výraz pro kokos, takže naprosto nejvhodnější název značky těch nejkokosovatějších dobrot vůbec.

Značku Ceilon Kokonati vede manželský pár. Ženskou zakladatelskou polovičkou je paní Bûmika, což v sanskrtu znamená Paní Země. Její pradědeček byl jedním z průkopníků lisování kokosového oleje na Cejlonu, takže je již čtvrtou generací lisovače kokosového oleje. Mužská zakladatelská polovička, pan Mosqi, je zase původně pěstitelem čistého cejlonského čaje.

Ceilon Kokonati je stoprocentně vlastněna a provozována na Novém Zélandu. Sypké produkty od Kokonati používá několik etických značek, které vyrábějí čisté, ekologické potraviny a kosmetické výrobky. Prodejem výrobků Kokonati jsou podporovány venkovské komunity a tradiční způsoby obživy. Všechny jejich výrobky jsou eticky sklízeny a při jejich výrobě nevzniká téměř žádný odpad. Každá část kokosového ořechu je využita při výrobě jiného produktu. Výrobky Kokonati jsou jednosložkové, balené přímo u zdroje, nikdy nemíchané, jednodruhové, bez GMO a veganské.

Díky nadšení pro ekologické, regenerativní zemědělství, udržitelnost a kolektivní partnerství pocházejí výrobky Kokonati pouze z drobných farem a mlýnů ve venkovských vesnicích na Srí Lance. Každý výrobek Kokonati se vyrábí ve specializovaném mlýně, který produkuje pouze daný typ výrobku. Kvalita je tedy nejlepší, jaká může být, a každý krok výroby je podpořen zkušenostmi a znalostmi mnoha generací. Cejlon je požehnán množstvím zdravého, exotického ovoce, ořechů, bylin a koření.

Ceilon Kokonati se řídí zásadami vyváženého života - žij a nech žít.

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