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Myco Zen (Reishi & Lion's Mane) Caps For brain function, mood & sleep - 60 caps

Sale Organic
€34,26 –24 %
Bio směs hub reishi spór a hericium - Myco-Zen
€34,26 –24 % €25,99 / pcs €0,43 / 1 pcs
Skladem (>3 pcs)
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A complex of vital mushrooms with a recipe based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. It contains a time-tested combination of reishi and hericia mushrooms. In certified organic quality.


Detailed information

Unikátní produkty

Dovážíme originální zahraniční výrobky, které lokální trh postrádá

Balíme rychle a ekologicky

Odesíláme do 24-48 hodin, vše v recyklovaných materiálech

Záruka kvality

Značky vybíráme srdcem a řídíme se heslem – raději méně, ale kvalitně

Doprava zdarma

Utraťte min. 4000 Kč a neplaťte poštovné do Balíkovny

Product detailed description

Why buy

Myco-Zen by Mushrooms4Life is an organic supplement of vital mushrooms, based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine to strengthen the "vital breath", combining the highest quality reishi spores with dual hericia extract.

Based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine for strengthening the spirit of "Shen", the Myco-Zen complex combines the highest quality Reishi spores with lion's mane extract for maximum effects.

Thanks to its adaptogenic properties, reishi is known as the "mushroom of immortality" and even as the "queen of mushrooms". It may be useful in promoting fatigue and contains potent immunological and anti-inflammatory triterpenes and polysaccharides.

Reishi spores are the part of the mushroom with the highest nutrient content and are carefully broken down at low temperatures and rolled up to thirty times to extract all the active ingredients.

We use organic Reishi spores grown and harvested in China - the traditional home of the red Reishi - and grown on duanwood, their original growing medium. This means that our mushrooms have a similar nutrient profile to those that grow naturally in the wild.

To this we add the lion's mane mushroom, sometimes known as the "mountain priest" and revered by ancient medicine for its cognitive and neural effects. We use a double extraction method to provide a therapeutic dose of Lion's Mane to defend against stress and improve mental performance.

  • M4L mushrooms are grown on selected organic farms and cultivated by experts.
  • Last but not least, all products are third party tested to ensure the purity of the mushroom strain. See the purity certificate in the Files tab.
  • They are also screened for contaminants, pesticides and heavy metals so you can be sure they are produced to the highest quality and standards.
  • Reishi spores are crushed at low temperature to maintain the highest concentration of triterpenes for maximum benefit (minimum 6% triterpenes).
  • Furthermore, the contained biomass of mycelium and young fruiting bodies from hericia is grown on brown rice under naturally identical conditions.
  • This provides a higher yield of a wide range of key active nutrients.

Screenshot 2023-07-21 at 19-05-45 Organic Chaga Mushroom Powder - 60 g Mushrooms 4 Life

Nutritional values

One dose (2 capsules) contains:



Mushrooms4Life supplies truly the highest organic quality reishi spores from the Lonquan region, the traditional home of Chinese reishi. These are then crushed at a low temperature so that the highest concentration of triterpenes is maintained (in the spores of the mushroom their content is at least 6%, but only 3% in the reishi mushroom itself).

Reishi spores are obtained from certified organic reishi mushrooms, which are grown in China on special hardwood logs/logs called. Duanwood, sunk into the ground and protected by tunnel roofing to keep the spores protected from the outside elements. The spores are crushed using pressure and sound vibrations that break down the hard cell walls so that our body is able to use the nutrients found inside.

The reishi spores can be thought of as the kind of pollen that the mushroom uses to reproduce, so it is actually the so-called jing or essence of life of the mushroom. These reproductive particles are characterized by their high concentration of triterpenes and polysaccharides, which have a strong positive effect on our body.

Reishi spore powder also contains adenosine, thirteen amino acids, germanium, selenium, lipopolysaccharides, ascorbic acid, alkaloids and trace elements. Reishi spores are among the most effective "Superfoods" or "Tonic Herbs" to support proper immune system function.


Hericium, or coralline coral, is a vital mushroom that resembles a lion's mane in appearance, which is why it is so often called or nicknamed the 'Mountain Priest'. In alternative medicine, it is used to support the proper functioning of the cognitive and nervous system.

In Western medicine, it is used as a nootropic due to its psychoactive content and ability to stimulate active nerve growth factors (NGF). It has a sweet and mild taste and is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to regulate energy "Qi" and aid digestion. It calms the spirit of "Shen" and soothes the mind.

Kdy užívat vitální houby čaga, cordyceps, maitake, reishi a jiné.

Read more on this topic

Introduction to biohacking

Vegetarian and vegan diet

Be careful what medicinal mushrooms you eat and why

Kick up your immunity with wild herbs and mushrooms

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Additional parameters

Category: Vital mushrooms
Certification: Soil Association Organic
Size: 60 pcs
Země původu: Velká Británie
Výrobce: Living Planet, Unit 2., 22 Chester House, 1-3 Brixton Road, SW9 6DE
Vhodné pro: Raw-GMO Free-Vegetariány-Vegan- Bez lepku

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Společnost Mushrooms4life byla založena světově uznávaným výzkumníkem a autorem Martinem Powellem v rámci jeho poslání rozšířit dostupnost kvalitních bio přípravků za dostupné ceny. V Mushrooms4Life přistupují ke každé vitální houbě individuálně, a jsou si toho, že má každá svůj jedinečný charakter, vlastnosti a nutriční profil. Velice dbají na používání pouze těch nejkvalitnějších surovin, které pečlivě vybírají tak, aby podporovaly plnou aktivitu každé houby.

Do svých výrobků nikdy nepřidávají žádná pojiva, aditiva, umělé přísady nebo chemikálie a veškeré houby získávají přímo od prověřených odborných pěstitelů, takže si můžete být jisti, že dostanete tu nejvyšší kvalitu doplňku s nejpřínosnějšími vlastnostmi.